Baby Play Ideas for 3-6 Months

Baby Play Ideas for 3-6 Months

Between 3 to 6 months, your little one is becoming more alert and responsive. Their sensory and motor skills are also developing, in addition to the activities listed in our last blog ’10 Baby Play Ideas for 0-3 Months’, here are some extra ideas to keep your little one busy:

1. Sensory bags or baskets: Create sensory bags or baskets filled with safe, baby-friendly items such as soft fabrics, gentle lights or light reflective items, balls (select balls which are big enough so your little one doesn’t accidentally inject it), or safe household objects (like wooden spoons) to explore different textures and shapes.

Pictured: A 5mo little human enjoying some home made glitter water sensory bags

2. Interactive play: Engage in simple games like peek-a-boo to encourage social interaction and bonding. Sing nursery rhymes, talk to or make funny faces to your bundle of joy to stimulate their responses. Interaction with caregivers is vital for their emotional and social development.

3. Cause and effect: Offer toys that helps your little one to understand the relationship between their actions and the responses. Rolling, musical and pull string toys are wonderful for your little human to explore cause and effect.

Pictured: Examples of cause and effect toys - our Rolling Rattle and Spinning Drum 

4. Activity gyms or play mats: Use activity gyms or play mats with hanging toys to encourage reaching, batting and grabbing.

Pictured: Tummy time with an activity gym at 4 months


Here are some of the play ideas from our 0-3 months guide that are still very much age appropriate:

1. Tummy Time: Tummy time is important for building neck and upper body strength. Place your baby on their tummy for short periods each day while they are awake and supervised. You can engage with them by getting down on the floor and talking to them or showing them colorful toys.

2. Gentle Touch: Babies are comforted by touch. Provide gentle massages or strokes on their arms, legs, and back.

3. Rattles and Grasping Toys: Offer simple rattles or toys designed for grasping. Babies are still developing their hand-eye coordination and will enjoy exploring different textures and shapes with their hands.

4. Singing and Music: Sing lullabies or gentle songs to your baby. Music can be soothing and comforting. You can also play soft music or nature sounds in the background.

5. Mirror Play: Babies are often fascinated by their reflection in a baby-safe mirror. Place a mirror in a safe and supervised space for your baby to look at themselves.

Pictured: a much bigger baby, still enjoying mirror play at 22 months

6. Explore Nature: Going for a stroll to a local park with your baby allows them to breathe in fresh air which can be beneficial for their respiratory health, it is also a fantastic sensory experience with different scents, sound, the warm sensation of the sun or a gentle breeze.  

Remember that safety is still crucial at this age. Always keep a close eye on your baby during playtime, and make sure that any toys or objects within their reach are safe and free of small parts that could be a choking hazard. Enjoy these early moments with your baby, and cherish the bonding and learning experiences you share together.

As always, happy playing!

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